Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Look

The scaffolding came down during the week. Our house has a new look now that you can actually see it.

The renderers should be back this coming week to start on the lower level. Meanwhile, we will also continue trying to sort out the Electrical. We may now go through the Electricians independently (i.e. without the builder margins) but this means sorting out independent insurance. After yet another request for extension in time (now 13 days, for us delaying works), we will be putting in an official complaint to Head Office, outlining the delays and providing documentation showing how the delays have not been caused by US.  Fingers crossed that maybe this week the Electrical will be sorted out once and for all (12 months since first meeting with the Electrician).


One of my Hobby Blogs said...

wow- the place looks huge now - look at the entry!!

Dollarz House said...

Looks much nicer now the scaffolding has gone. Looking good.

ephereal said...

Your place is looking fantastic!!!

What a difference it makes without all the scaffolding.

Hope you get everything sorted with the sparkies etc soon.

TamDaz said...

Thanks Annie, Dollar and Ephereal. Yes the scaffolding down makes a huge difference, and yes we like it so much more now. I wonder how much a change will occur when it is fully rendered? Or have we now had the sneak preview and it will look very similar? Yes, I'm trying to chase up the Electrical today, given I'm home from work sick. Not that I can really be bothered doing it, would rather be sleeping.

Anonymous said...

Oooo it looks so good, I miss snooping through it on Thursday nights :)must have a peek next time im in town with a car :) Love Nat :)

TamDaz said...

Hey Nat, you're more than welcome to come and have a peek. Maybe just maybe by the next time you come by we will have a 'real' spa for you to sit in hehe...